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Bonjour tout le monde,
J'ai ce DM a faire pour demain en Anglais 4°.
Je vous joint le sujet.
Merci d’avance de votre aide.

Sagot :


Réponse :



1. They took the train to go to New York and they arrived late.

2. She rode her bike under the rain yesterday.

3. They made pancakes for Shrove and they ate them all.

4. She came  alone at the party but she danced  a lot.

5. I bought a new laptop last week.

6. We forgot  the meeting last Monday.

7. They went to Barcelona last year and  watched the fireworks.

8. We drove all the way to Marseille and we loved it.

9. My sister cut her finger while she was doing DIY jobs.

10. They slept  well all night.

11. The baby fell from her pram.

12. I met  my new boss this morning

13. They drank too much alcohol last night.

14. We  understood the problems very quickly when he told  us.

15. He lost  all his money and chose to keep on playing.

16. I broke a glass again this morning.

17. The neighbors built their own garage in only a week.

18. She kept the secret for a whole year.

19. They said it was not important, so we decided to leave it.

20. I listened  to her advise and she was right.

21. We swam for over an hour, then we ran for half an hour and finally we jumped  on a trampoline for fifteen minutes.

22. I spent a long time with my family this weekend.

23. You fed  the horses and then you left , don’t you remember ?

24. I dreamt about a better world last night.

25. Obama became the first president to install medical care.

NEGATIVE FORM : ( la marque du prétérit est uniquement dans l'auxiliaire "did" + not // le verbe n'est pas conjugué )

1. John didn’t get his test back yesterday.

2. We didn’t bring our packed lunches.

3. The neighbors didn’t wake on time for their train.

4. My dad didn’t win his tennis tournament last weekend.

5. Steve didn’t buy any flowers for Valentine’s day.

6. My brother didn’t write the report for his boss.

7. The nurse didn’t hurt my brother when she made his bandage.

8. We didn’t see the neighbors this morning.

9. She didn’t understand why I was crying.

10. They didn’t send their holiday photo.

INTERROGATIVE FORM : ( la marque du prétérit est aussi dans l'auxiliaire, pas dans le verbe )

1. Did Ken feel better this morning?

2. Did Kate learn her history lesson?

3. Did the children see their grandparents?

4. Did your mother find a new job?

5. Did your friend speak to you about the meeting?

6. Did the neighbors pay their house rent?

7. Did John catch his train to go to Paris?

8. Did the water freeze in the pipes because of the cold?

9. Did Jane read a lot during Covid 19?

10. Did Max tell you about the accident?


My brother broke my phone yesterday, I had all my photos in it, all my contacts and everything. I was mad at him and told him that he owed me a new phone. He went to the shop but they didn’t have the same  phone as mine, they gave him another brand, I didn’t like it, that’s why I changed it. I chose to go to an apple Store where I found a lot phones, they were very expensive, the seller offered me a discount and I bought it. Then, I took the subway to come home, and when I got out, I fell down, obviously I kept my phone in my hand because I was using it but surprisingly enough, it didn’t break . It made me so happy to realize that I paid for a very solid phone for once ! I forgave my brother after all and forgot everything about this little incident.


Be mad at someone : être en colère contre quelqu'un

To owe someone something : Devoir quelque chose à quelqu'un

Brand : Marque

To offer a discount : Offrir une réduction

Surprisingly enough : Assez étonnamment

Explications :

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