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Je dois inventer une histoire su Poudlard en anglais. Pourriez vous m'aider s'il vous plait je n'ai vraiment pas d'idées, je suis en 5ème. Merci pour vos réponses.

Sagot :

Réponse :

Hogwarts was never a quiet place, and it was expected as it was a very popular school. But some students just attracted the wrong kind of loudness. It was late, when the night fell on Hogwarts. Beside some occasional candle lights lighting the paths for the prefects or teachers that were patrolling that night, the corridors held very few lights. The Hufflepuff prefect of that year was patrolling the hallway in front of the Great Hall when she caught a swift movement in the corner of her eyes. She turned so swiftly that she almost gave herself a whiplash. Slowly creeping up to the corridor leading to the Hufflepuff common room. Thinking that it was simply a late Badger student who forgot to get back on time, she didn’t think much of it, and started to head back in the direction of the Great Hall when she heard the grinding sound of a door or something opening. Light on her feet, she approached the hallway, and saw the portrait of the salad bowl closing silently. Cursing under her breath, she debated going inside to berate the students who thought that having a night snack when there were many prefects patrolling in the area was smart. But she also knew that many of her classmates, including herself, often went to the kitchens, to check on the house elves while grabbing a snack. But with everything happening with the ministry official, Umbridge, the prefect didn’t think it smart to let that student freely roam the hallways. The new defence against the dark arts teacher was already breathing down her neck for not applying decree 23, she didn’t need her to come and take away her prefect badge for a student who didn’t eat enough at dinner. Determined, she marched to the portrait, tickling the pear, to reveal the kitchen. Entering, she found who the culprit, or culprits in this case, were: the Weasley twins. Of course, not even being 17 years old and being in 7th year could stop them from their nightly excursions. Gathering her courage, she walked to them, and only caught the end of their exchange with the house elves surrounding them.

“-romise this is the last time. Don’t worry it’ll be funned no one will know you little guys were involved.”

Frowning, I interrupted their conversation, “And what pray tell me, won’t they be held responsible for?” I asked.

“Oh look Georgie, it’s the puff’s prefect!”

“Right you are Freddie, what do you think she’s attempting to do?”

“I do not know, my dear brother, but it looked like she was trying to get us to talk about our secret plans.” smirked the twins.

Rolling my eyes at their antics, and knowing I would never get them to spill what they were up to, I just told them to get back to bed while ducking 20 points to Gryffindor for being past curfew, whilst shooing away the elves that had gathered to ask me if I needed anything.
The next morning, I was sitting at my house table for breakfast when I heard several shouts erupting from both the Slytherin and Ravenclaw tables. Turning my back to look at them, I looked at what happened while munching on my pumpkin pie. Turns out some Ravenclaw and Slytherin students got pranked, and had their skin turned red with their hair shining a gold colour, while having bold gold letters on their foreheads spelling “GRYFFINDOR”. As I rolled my eyes a second time in the morning, I began to feel a tingle throughout my body, and dropped my pie on the ground. Cringing when I saw my red hands, I could only assume that I was another victim of this prank. Furious, I turned my head towards the Gryffindor table where I glared at the twins, fuming that they had already ruined my morning. Standing up rigidly, I walked out of the Great Hall with all of the dignity I could muster, head and chin high and broke into a run to the Hufflepuff common room as soon as I was out of eyesight. After much washing from both an actual soap and many Scourgify charms, I managed to get the red skin and gold glittering letters on my forehead, as well as the gold colour of my hair, I looked at myself in the mirror and allowed a small smile to grace my face. These twins…I wasn’t dumb and knew that they must have spelt the pumpkin pies from the kitchen the previous night, thus explaining their night excursion in the kitchen. Shaking my head, I couldn’t help but smile a little, knowing that beside the fact that I had been embarrassed in front of everyone, I wasn’t the only victim and it had been an ingenious charm, and that no actual harm had been done. And a good thing did come out of it, I got to skip classes, knowing that no one would expect me to actually show up in class after they saw the damage done to both my skin and my hair.

Explications :

En gros c'est une short story, qui fait place dans le 5ème livre/filme, et genre c'est à propos d'un prank que Fred & George font. Tu pourras traduire sur google traduction au pire si tu veux mieux comprendre ce que j'ai écris. Voilà!