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DISCOVERING ENGLISH Le prétérit simple : verbes irréguliers
Tu as déjà vu que certains verbes au prétérit sont irréguliers.
Le seul moyen de les connaître est de les apprendre par ceur.
1 Dans les phrases ci-dessous, souligne en rouge les verbes irréguliers au prétérit.

Last week, we went to a festival and did a lot of things. We took photos of several detective writers
and we saw different murder mystery plays. We had a lot of fun. We ate and drank in a dining train
and then we began the game. We became characters in a murder story. An actor ran into the train
and told us a murder story and then he chose me to be one of the detectives. I knew the of
the play, so I thought a lot and I found the murderer... and I won a medal​

Sagot :


Réponse :


Last week, we went (= to go ) to a festival and did (= to do )a lot of things. We took (= to take )photos of several detective writers

and we saw (= to see ) different murder mystery plays. We had (= to have ) a lot of fun. We ate ( = to eat )and drank ( = to drink ) in a dining train

and then we began ( = to begin ) the game. We became ( = to become )characters in a murder story. An actor ran  (= to run )into the train

and told ( = to tell )us a murder story and then he chose( = to choose ) me to be one of the detectives. I knew ( = to know )the of the play, so I thought ( = to think )a lot and I found ( = to find )the murderer... and I won ( = to win ) a medal​

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