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Bonjour est ce que vous pouvez me creer une histoire en anglais avec ses 15 mots , merci . Il faut aussi mettre un titre .

Bonne journée

Bonjour Est Ce Que Vous Pouvez Me Creer Une Histoire En Anglais Avec Ses 15 Mots Merci Il Faut Aussi Mettre Un Titre Bonne Journée class=

Sagot :

Mom's a liar!

It is 7:00 in the morning...

The clock suddenly rings, making Timothée spring out of his bed with a big scream.

Ugh, Monday morning... Is there anything I could hate more?

He slowly walks to the kitchen where he sees his mother's note, right here on the table. She always writes on a paper when she goes to work.

"Hey Timo!

Have a good day, son.

I might not be back before midnight, my friend Kelly had an accident, her car is shutted down and I want to lend mine. You know her, she always get distracted and sing when she's on the road.

Love, Mom. "

Timothée grunts. He doesn't like the way his mom spells his name: "Timo".

When he comes back from school, he is alone in the house. He waits for hours, playing videogames and chatting on his phone.

But little by little, as the hours pass, his curiosity takes over and he ask himself if he should call his mother. But he doesn't want to look like he is spying or really scared.

I am not afraid for her anyway. Or am I?

He starts having doubts and becomes really anxious. He doesn't mean to seem paranoïad, but he won't let his mother in potential trouble.

Timothée takes a deep breath and start the call.

- Hey Mom!

-Hey kid...

-Are you all right?

-Well, yes, I am on my way to help Kelly!


Thimothée is about to ring off when a detail hold his attention.

-Wait! Is it music that I hear?

-Hum... Yes! Exactly, music. From the auto radio.

The young boy clearly heard that she was lying.

-Mom, it has been malfunctionning for months.

-Yes, uh...


-Okay!! You win! I am not in the car, Kelly doesn't need help and she never sings on the road...

Tim giggles.

-Where are you then?

-At a disco party... Don't you tell Dad!

-I won't. Let's keep it a secret.

With a big smile across his face, he asks:

-Can I come too?

Ca ira?

Bonne journée à toi!

Fais-moi savoir comment ça s'est passé...^^


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