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This is an analytic task and, thus, your answers must be supported with textual evidence.


1. Is The Merchant of Venice a tragedy or a comedy?

2. How does the character of Portia subvert the traditional concept of a woman

in the Elizabethan Era?

3. Why does the audience sympathise with Shylock?

4. Examine Antonio’s and Bassanio’s relationship. Are they only friends or is

there a deeper connection between them?​

Sagot :

Réponse :

1: tragedy

2: Her single-handed overturning of the entire scene, literally disarming Shylock with her world's , lends great gravitas and strength to her presence as a character in the script.

3:The ways in which and the extent of which the audience would sympathize with Shylock is mainly due as Shakespeare having created an interesting yet complex atmosphere.

This is mainly due also from important key would result the audience sympathizing towards Shylock.

4: Antonio and Bassanio were true friends. They were so great friends that they were willing to sacrifice their lives in order to help each other.

Explications :Anglais

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