Answered vous aide à trouver des réponses à toutes vos questions grâce à une communauté d'experts passionnés. Obtenez des solutions rapides et fiables à vos questions grâce à une communauté d'experts expérimentés sur notre plateforme. Obtenez des réponses rapides et fiables à vos questions grâce à notre communauté dédiée d'experts sur notre plateforme.

Aider moi svp merci d'avance ;)

Aider Moi Svp Merci Davance class=

Sagot :

Réponse :





more intelligent / intelligenter (rare)



more difficult



more beautiful / beautifuller / prettier

1. Brazil is hotter than Russia

2. John is happier than Jim

3. Pam's house is newer than Sue's house.

4. A computer is more expensive than bread.

5. The train is faster than the bus.

6. If you are on a diet, a hot dog is worst (or more bad) than an apple.

7. Philip is lazier than Alan.

8. Dan is younger than Lisa.

9. Paul's marks are better (or more good) than Tom's marks.

10. I think that mathematics are more difficult than English.

11. I  think music is easier than chemistry.

12.  A lion is bigger than a cat.

Mount Everest is higher than the Eiffel Tower

Planes go faster than trains

This actor is more popular than this singer

Zebras are not as tall as giraffes

This french baker sells more cakes than the English one

Bon courage ;)


bonjour ! voila voila


1er exo




more intelligent



more difficult


more beautiful

2e exo

hotter than

happier than

newer than (je suis pas sûre)

more expensive than

faster than

worse than

lazier than (pas sûr non plus...)

younger than

better than

more difficult than

easier than

bigger than

3e exo

Mount Everest is higher than the Eiffel Tower

Planes go faster than trains

This actor is more popular than this singer

Zebras are not higher than giraffes

This French baker sells more cakes than the English one

Voila, j'espère avoir pu t'aider...

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