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Bonjour, vous allez bien? Pourriez-vous m'aider sur cet exercice sur le discours indirect s'il vous plait. Merci d'avance.

Mettez au discours indirect ce dialogue

Maria : « I hate going to the swimming pool when it is cold outside ! »
Mickaël : «  Do you often go to the swimming pool ? »
Maria : «  I only go there where I have to. »
Michael : « I see. But now, spring is here. So, you must be glad ! »
Maria : « Right ! Homewever, with the quarantine, I cannot have leave my house... »
Mickael : « Be patient ! Soon, you will be able to be active again ! »

Sagot :

Maria said she hated going to the swimming pool when it was cold outside. Mickael asked if she often went to the swimming pool. Maria replied that she only went there when she had to. Mickael said that she must be glad because it was now spring. Maria replied that he was right but because of the quarantine she couldn't leave her house. Mickael told her to be patient and that she could soon be active again.

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