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Exercice 2- Conjugue les verbes entre parentheses au preterit
Last year, my parents and I (go) ……………………………… ……to San Francisco.
It (be) ………………………great ! We (visit) ……………………………… …this wonderful city.
I (like) ……………………………….travelling in its cable cars, and I really (have) ……………………………… ………… on Alcatraz island where there is an old prison.
But the Golden Gate Bridge (be) ………………………………the best thing I (discover) ……………………………
Do you know it (be) …………………………… built in the 1930s ? We (enjoy) ……………………………this trip so
much that we would like to go back there next year !
We (be) …………………………so enthusiastic about this trip !

Sagot :

Réponse :

- I went

- It was

- we visited

- I liked

- I really had

- the GGB was

- I discovered

- it was

- we enjoyed

- we were


Hello! my answers:

Last year, my parents and I went to San Francisco.

It was great ! We visited this wonderful city.

I liked travelling in its cable cars, and I really had fun on Alcatraz island where there is an old prison.

But the Golden Gate Bridge was the best thing I discovered

Do you know it was built in the 1930s ? We enjoyed this trip so

much that we would like to go back there next year !

We were so enthusiastic about this trip !

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