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coucou tous le monde je n'arrive pas à cette question c'est la seule ou je beugue vous pouvez m'aider s'il vous plaît
texte:The English school system The English education system offers a variety of schools, funded and managed in different ways. By law, children must be in full-time education by their fifth birthday, although most will start school when they are four years old. The majority of children in England attend state schools, but a handful of families (around 7 per cent) pay for their children to attend independent (also known as private or public) schools. Understanding English state schools State schools follow the National Curriculum and are inspected by the Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted). The most common mainstream state schools in England are: • Community schools • Foundation schools and voluntary schools • Academies • Grammar schools What are independent schools? Independent schools charge fees rather than receiving funding from the government. These schools do not have to follow the National Curriculum but must be registered with the government and are inspected on a regular basis, either by Ofsted or by the Independent Schools Inspectorate. The independent sector ranges from elite schools, such as Eton College, to more mainstream independent schools that charge lower fees. While the clear advantage of a state education in England is that it is free, many believe that an independent-school education is worth the expense. The smaller class size is a clear attraction, with children gaining more one-to-one contact with the teacher and potentially achieving higher grades than they would at a state school. Using money from the fees, independent schools are able to offer a wide range of extracurricular resources and activities to encourage children to discover new talents. Many independent schools also provide before-school and after-school childcare for working families with younger children.
question:4. Where does the state schools’ money come from? (D’où provient l’argent des « state schools » ?) A. donations B. government funding C. publicity D. fees
merci d'avance

Sagot :

Réponse :

je pense c est

B/ government funding

Réponse :Bonjour

The state schools money comes from government funding.

Explications :

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