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Bonsoir aidez moi pour ces questions en Anglais svp Merci d'avance

Sagot :

Réponse :

1) Pocahontas was 21 when she died.

2) The names of the members of her family are: Chief Powhatan (her dad) , John Rolfe (her husband) and Thomas Rolfe (her son).

3) No, the European colonist didn't have a easy life in America because  starvation and disease had ravaged the colonists and they became dependent on the Powhatan to survive.  

4) No, she didn't want to go to England but she has been kidnaped onto the English ship of Captain Samuel Argall to go to England.

5) She spoked 2 languages, english and Powhatan.

6) People called her "Lady Rebecca Wolfe” in England.

7)  No, she was going to but she died on the way there while on the boat with her husband, so she didn't go back to America.

8) No, the Europeans colonists and the Powhatans didn't have a good relationship.

9) Pocahontas only got married 1 time (with John Smith).

10) Pocahontas died of illness on the boat that was going to bring them to Virginia.  

Explications :

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