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Bonjour est-ce que quelqu'un de bilingue pourrait corriger mes fautes de grammaires si possible je dois le rendre dans une heure
Merci beaucoup


This document is entitled "Living without TV" from a website article called "Huffingtonpost". It presents a family who "killed" their TV and they discovered some wonderful things that they can do during their free time. This document deals with the eradication of the TV in a family. We may wonder if supress TV make our life easier.

As a starting point I am going to analyse and describe all the bright sides linked to the eratication of the television. And in a second part, I will explain if this eradication make our life easier or not.

On the one hand, this family take this decision and they develops some bright sides. They have more time for them precisely for our relationship and their son and they can correctly raise their kid. Their were attentive with each other, they go back to their creativity witch they have losted, they are going outside more than before. Moreover, when they feeling sluggish, they eat someting energetic and don't stay in the sofa and let laziness take over regardless. Thus, for this family, this decision is a huge step jarward, therefore increases the complicity parents-kids and think all this appliances are of no use and all is said and done , it's a waste of time.

On the oter hand, if we wipe out the TV for some family, the life can be more easier but not for everyone. If a family have one teenager or more, they can't eradicate the TV and it can be a bones of contention. In the twenty one century, the teenager generation is unfortunatly unaware that they are dependant of the TV like Netflix or the channel and after the shattering of the family cell and it also creates want where there is no want . But for some other family, it makes their life easier and they can take advanges with their kids which bonds to their education.

To conclude, if TV is wipe out for some family, it can make a huge step jarward in the generation. If TV are supress it can creates some bright sides like to have the breadwinner and it can make our life easier.

Sagot :

Réponse :

I think your paragraph does T contain any mistakes

Explications :

Just a word "supress" inThe first paragraph is the last line    I didn't understand what does  it meant

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