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Bonjour pourriez-vous m’aider svp. Merci

Bonjour Pourriezvous Maider Svp Merci class=

Sagot :



1. Have you tasted this new snack yet ? It's delicious.

2. It wasn't the Americans who invented ice-cream. In 200 B.C. chinese peasants mixed snow with milk and rice and they taught the art of ice-cream making to the Indians. Ice-cream has now become a part of the staple diet all over the world.

3. An eleven-year old boy has been electrocuted at a sea-side amusement arcade. His body was found behind a machine. Police says that he touched the wires at the back of the machine and got electrocuted.

4. It just happened when we met at a club. We swapped telephone numbers but I didn't hear from her since and she didn't hear from me.