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A partir des informations données, écris la biographie d'Albert Einstein :

Albert Einstein / one of the most famous scientists in the world /Born : March 14th, 1879,  Ulm, Germany

Family status : Married twice, three children

not speak until the age of 4 / Maths : his favourite subject/fascinated with Physics/

want to be a teacher / but not find a job/ make discoveries

become a professor / win a Nobel peace prize / travel to many countries

help us understand better the Universe

Death : April, 17th, 1955, Princeton, New Jersey, USA

Sagot :

Réponse :

Albert Einstein was one of the most famous scientists in the world. He was born on March 14th 1879 in Ulm, Germany. He cannot speak until the age of 4. His favourite subjet was math and he was fascianated with Physics. The scientists wanted to be a teachet, but he didn't find a job, so he decited to make is own discoveries. Tha big man became a professor, he won the Nobel peace prize and he travelled to many countries. He was married twoice and he had three children. His most important discovery was the relativity, so he helped us to understand better the Universe. Unluckily, he dead  on April 17th in Princeton, New jersey, USA.

***PS***: c'est pas wikipedia, j'ai fait avec mes connaissances, (la partie de la relativité je l'ai ajouté)

J'espere que tu vas bien et d'avoir t'aidé,

bonne journée!!!

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