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Hey salut, j'aurait besoin d'aide pour cette exo :
1) Conjugue les verbes entre parenthèses au “Present perfect”
❗️ Tu devras parfois remanier les phrases ❗️

a) Carrie underwood (perform) on many stages throughout the USA.
b) She (win) lots of awards?
c) Bob Dylan always (be) a very creative artist.
d) Carrie Underwood (accept) that she can’t please everybody.
e) Bob Dylan (not / pick up) his Nobel Prize.
f) Gospel and country (run) parallel since the beginning.

2) Remets les mots dans l’ordre

a) has / the / American Idol. / won / Carrie Underwood / season / of / fourth
b) earned / Grammy Awards. / She / seven / has
c) been / She / a / has / very / artist. / successful
d) has / she / in / Nashville. / lived
e) has / seven / Bob Dylan / published / paintings. / books / of / drawings / and

3) Conjugue les verbes entre parenthèses au “Present perfect”
❗️ Tu devras parfois remanier les phrases ❗️

a) Bob Dylan (write) lots of famous songs.
b) His songs (become) huge hits and (influence) many young artists.
c) Carrie Underwood (not imagine) changing her style but her music (evolve) throughout the years.
d) Carrie Underwood (win) any Golden Globes?

Sagot :


a) Carrie underwood has performed on many stages throughout the USA.

b) Has she won lots of awards?

c) Bob Dylan has always be a very creative artist.

d) Carrie Underwood has accepted that she can’t please everybody.

e) Bob Dylan hasn't picked up his Nobel Prize.

f) Gospel and country have run parallel since the beginning.

2) Remets les mots dans l’ordre

a) Carrie Underwood has won the fourth of American Idol.

b) She has earned seven Grammy Awards.

c) She has been a very successful artist.

d) She has lived in Nashville.

e) Bob Dylan has published seven books of drawings and paintings.

3) Conjugue les verbes entre parenthèses au “Present perfect”

3) Conjugue les verbes entre parenthèses au “Present perfect”❗️ Tu devras parfois remanier les phrases ❗️

a) Bob Dylan has written lots of famous songs.

b) His songs have become huge hits and (influence) many young artists.

c) Carrie Underwood hasn't imagined changing her style but her music has evolved throughout the years.

d) Carrie Underwood has won any Golden Globes?

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