Réponse :
Il faut retenir les temps:
The first conditional ( = if + présent simple // will )
The second conditional ( = if + prétérit // would )
The third conditional ( = if + past perfect // would have + participe passé )
1. If we don’t work harder, we won’t pass the exam.
présent --------------------> futur
2. If the students hadn’t been late for the exam, they would have passed.
past perfect ------------------> would have +participe passé
3. If the weather hadn’t been so cold, we would have gone to the beach.
past perfect -----------------------> would have + participe passé
4. If she had her laptop with her, she would email me.
prétérit ------------------------------> would
5. If she doesn’t go to the meeting, I won’t go either.
présent --------------------> futur
6. If the baby had slept better last night, I wouldn’t have been so tired.
past perfect -----------------------> would have + participe passé
7. If the teacher gives us lots of homework this weekend, I won’t be happy.
présent --------------------------------------------> futur
8. If Lucy had enough time, she would travel more.
prétérit -------------------------> would
9. If the children don’t eat soon, they will be grumpy.
présent --------------------> futur
10. If I don’t go to bed soon, I will be tired in the morning.
présent --------------------> futur