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bonjours qui peut m'aide a cette exercie merci .

CONJUGUE les verbes au bon temps : PRESENT SIMPLE ou FUTUR SIMPLE ? (14 blanks)
The doctor : « Good morning Mr Smith. You …………………………. (not look) (= avoir l’air)
fit today. What’s the matter ? How …………. you ………….. (feel) ? »
The patient :« Well, I know that I’m overweight and easily out of breath (= essouflé).
And if I ……………………… (not decide) to eat healthy food, I …………………… (have) health
trouble. That’s certain … »
The doctor : « ……… you ……… (try) to follow my advice (= suivre mes conseils) if I give
you some ? »
The patient : « Yes, I ……….. ! Please, tell me what I can do »
The doctor : « Well, If you really …………… (want) to lose weight, you ……………………….
(have to) stop eating junk food »
The patient : « It ……………….. (not be) difficult if I am motivated. But …… I ………………
(be allowed to) (=avoir le droit de) eat a pizza once a week (= une fois par semaine) ? »
The doctor : « Yes, you ………. You ……………………. (have) to exercise more, too. Can you
walk to work for example ? »
The patient : « Yes, I can. I ……………………. (do) it if you tell me that it is important. »
The doctor : « Great ! So, we …………………….. (meet) next month to see if you have lost
some weight. See you later ! Have a nice day !»

Sagot :


Réponse :


The doctor : « Good morning Mr Smith. You don't look  (not look) (= avoir l’air)

fit today. What’s the matter ? How do  you feel (feel) ? »

The patient :« Well, I know that I’m overweight and easily out of breath (= essouflé). And if I don't decide  (not decide) to eat healthy food, I will have (have) health trouble. That’s certain … »

The doctor : « will you try  (try) to follow my advice (= suivre mes conseils) if I give you some ? »

The patient : « Yes, I will ! Please, tell me what I can do »

The doctor : « Well, If you really want (want) to lose weight, you will have to

(have to) stop eating junk food »

The patient : « It won't be  (not be) difficult if I am motivated. But will I be allowed to (be allowed to) (=avoir le droit de) eat a pizza once a week (= une fois par semaine) ? »

The doctor : « Yes, you will You will have  (have) to exercise more, too. Can you walk to work for example ? »

The patient : « Yes, I can. I will do (do) it if you tell me that it is important. »

The doctor : « Great ! So, we 'll meet  (meet) next month to see if you have lost some weight. See you later ! Have a nice day !»

( attention dans les phrases avec "if" principale au futur subordonnée au présent )

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