Réponse :
Comparatif d’infériorité et d'égalité
Ce qui est assez simple avec le comparatif d'égalité et le comparatif d'infériorité c'est que les adjectifs ne changent pas ( pas besoin de savoir si l'adjectif est court, long ... )
Comparatif d'infériorité:
( = moins .... que ) = LESS + adjectif + than
Comparatif d'égalité / inégalité :
( = aussi ..... que ) = AS + adjectif + AS
( = pas aussi ... que ) = NOT AS + adjectif + AS
a. The new Aphone 7 screen is not as large as the Samway YW screen.
However, the Aphone’s battery not as good as the Samway’s.
b.Smartphones can be as expensive as computers, but they are less heavy.
c. Tablets are not as convenient as smart phones if you want to take pictures.
d. Pictures taken with the Samway YW are less colourful than those taken with the Aphone.
e. I don’t like the Samway YW because it’s not as nice as the Aphone 7.
Les pronoms relatifs who et which
( who pour les personnes // which pour les choses, objets .... )
a. Sir Conan Doyle was a Scottish doctor and written who is famous for his detective stories about Sherlock Holmes
b. Sherlock Holmes first appeared in A Study in Scarlet which was published in 1887.
C. In A Study in Scarlet Sherlock Holmes meets Dr Watson who is home from war in Afghanistan
d. In The Final Problem, Sherlock Holmes comes face to face with Moriarty who is his arch-enemy.
e. Sir Conan Doyle wrote 56 short stories and four novels about Sherlock Holmaes, including The Hounds of the Baskervilles which is his most famous novel.
Explications :