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Bonjour c’est à rendre pour demain quelqu’un pourrait m’aider svp merci d’avance
15 points à gagner !!!

Bonjour Cest À Rendre Pour Demain Quelquun Pourrait Maider Svp Merci Davance 15 Points À Gagner class=

Sagot :

Réponse :


During the lockdown i wake up at 11 or some time 12 am! but before the lockdown  i used  to wake up at 9am.

I remember before the pandemic i used to go everyday on a walk ,meet my friends, go to some restaurants or watch movies...but these days seem like the same routine stay at home ,go on the phone ,eat and sleep ,it's kind of boring .

when i have to go outside i need a permission to out for a short time to buy groceries shopping , i have to protect myself by wearing a mask, out gloves and to keep social distancing, it's really scary, totaly not the same days when we used to go outside freely like before!

before, when we watch our phone or any screen device it used to be fun but now the only thing that we see everyday is the huge amount of deaths ,people saying we should stay at home until they found the antidote,governement in economic crisis,Hospital that can't welcome new patients because it is too crowded, nurses and doctor risking their lives , racism toward asian people, poor country who does not any supply for help their pople ,people in fear ,and the only thing you care is when i will be able to cut my hair.

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