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bonjour svp vous pouvez Camps offer youa great opportunity to explore
freedom and develop new skills.
Imagine that you went to a summer camp .
Write a short paragraph to share the activties
you did and what you learnt from them.
Don’ forget to openly share your feelings sv pc pour aujourdhui

Sagot :

This summer I went on a summer camp for Two weeks!

On the first week, we did a bunch of amazing activities: We did sailing, football, voleyball, dance, crafts like sculpture and drawing and the best part was that every night, we all did a huge circle around a really big campfire and started singing while cooking our marshmallows! I always felt loved during that time and never tought that I was alone!

On the second week it was resting week: We didn't do any hardworking activities and every day we just got into a really big room with a lot of tables and created a bunch of creative objects so we could bring them back home as a memorie!

It was an amazing experience I felt happy, loved and felt like I had a bunch of friends and never felt alone during that time!

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