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Muhammad Ali (formerly known as Cassius Clay) was born on January 17, 1942,
in Louisville, Kentucky and died in 2016. He became the World Heavyweight
Boxing Champion in 1964. He converted from Christianity to Islam and was
totally opposed to the fighting going on between the USA and North Vietnam.
In 1966, as the US Army’s need for manpower grew, Ali was called up in the
draft of young men aged 18-24 years. He refused. This cost him his
Heavyweight crown and was banned from the ring for 3 ½ years. He gave up
everything he had won and earned – his boxing titles, his career and his fortune.
He had been one of America’s favourite heroes – now he had become one of the
most hated.
In April 1967 he turned down his final chance, stating at a press
conference “I will not go 10, 000 miles from here to help murder and kill
another poor people simply to continue the domination of white slave
masters over the darker people of the earth. The US court gave him a
$10, 000 fine and 5 years imprisonment. (later suspended on appeal.)
Ali’s response was “clean up my cell and take me to jail!”
Overnight he became a civil rights martyr. When Muhammad Ali
decided that he would not go to fight in Vietnam, he was only 25 years
old. Some people at that time believed he was a coward for not going to
war. However; many other people believed he was brave to stand for
what he believed in. They felt he had every right to be a conscientious
objector. Muhammad Ali threw away his fame and fortune when they
went against his religious principles.
question :When was he born and when did he die ?__
What is segregation ?
Why did he refuse to join the army ?
Do you think he was right not to fight? Why?
Have you ever had to decide between what you believed in and what other people wanted you to do?
What did you do? How did you make your decision? Was your decision the right one?

Sagot :

Réponse :

When was he born and when did he die ?

Mohammed Ali was born on January 17, 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky, and died on June 3, 2016 in Scottsdale, Arizona

What is segregation ?

Segregation is the separation of an individual or group of individuals from a larger group, often to apply special treatment to or restrict access of the separated individual or group. Segregation can also involve the separation of items from a larger group, as seen with the handling of funds in certain types of accounts.

Why did he refuse to join the army ?

Beacause,He converted from Christianity to Islam and was  totally opposed to the fighting going on between the USA and North Vietnam.

Do you think he was right not to fight? Why?

I don't have an opinion about it.

Have you ever had to decide between what you believed in and what other people wanted you to do?


Clique sur merci ! :)

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