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Sagot :
On the saturday txenty-three August at sixteen foorty-three pm , during a rainy day .The body found next to a house , the victim was called Fiona Vercon , she has twenty-three years old , she was a good cook , and she do not had enemies , Fiona was found by lincoln ex-husband , in a forest , next to a corpse , detective found a footprint but she was erazed because of a raining during the crime , and also there are a bulets . Lincoln , the first suspect , is ex-husband of the victime , i dont have a job , and during the crime , he was jogging , and Fiona cheated lincoln was hungry . there is also Maria , best-firend of Fiona , she is a farmer and during the crime she was sleeping , she and FIona had a good realtion and a last the suspect its Mickael , was a boyfriend , he is pilot , during the crime , he was piloting , with Fiona there had a good and bad relation because fiona dont like a motherl of Michael had listining a lourd voice of a man on the forest . I suppose a murder its a Lncoln because a ruinning during the crime and he was a jogging it's impossible , he was this for a vengeance
Si il manque des choses singale le moi je , tu devrais avoir une bonne note javais obtenu un 17 .
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