facilite la recherche de réponses à toutes vos questions avec l'aide de notre communauté active. Découvrez la facilité d'obtenir des réponses rapides et précises à vos questions grâce à l'aide de professionnels sur notre plateforme. Connectez-vous avec des professionnels prêts à fournir des réponses précises à vos questions sur notre plateforme complète de questions-réponses.

Bonjour j’ai besoin de votre aide s’il vous plaît ,

Mettre à la forme interrogative et à la forme négative:

1 her boyfriend has been invited.
2 John will be coming tonight .
3 the journey Woulf have been to expensive .
4 we will go to Ireland next summer .
5 the new couch is very comfortable .
6 Leslie goes to bed very late .
7 the solution would please everybody.
8 jenny has been working very hard.
9 Martin has brought his tape recorder.
10 his father and mother speak German.

Sagot :



1 her boyfriend has NOT been invited.

has her boyfriend been invited ?

2 John WON'T be coming tonight .

Will John be coming tonight ?

3 phrase incorrecte je pense

4 we won't go to Ireland next summer .

will you go to ireland next summer ?

5 the new couch is NOT very comfortable .

is the new couch very comfortable ?

6 Leslie doesn't go to bed very late .

Does Leslie go to bed very late ?

7 the solution would NOT please everybody.

Would the solution please everybody ?

8 jenny has not been working very hard.

has jenny been working very hard ?

9 Martin has not brought his tape recorder.

has martin brought his tape recorder ?

10 his father and mother DON'T speak German.

do his father and mother speak german ?

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