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Bonjour je suis nouvelle je suis en 3eme désolé si je repose la question j'aimerais un peu d'aide a mon devoirs d'anglais que je galère depuis hier soir et je doit l'envoyé a 17h mon devoir consiste avec une vidéo de remplir un texte a trou et ensuite de faire des petits qcm mais je n'y arrive pas pouvez vous m'aider je vous remercie d'avance bonne chance
​Texte 2) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate figure, number or date.
Captain Moore was still..................years old when he walked around his garden .............. times
................. weeks before his ................. birthday, as he turned ..............on April ................
. He walked a total of ................. meters. More than ................ people made donations to his fundraising page and so in total, he raised more than £ ......................
M for Britain's NHS (National Health Service), which is about $ ..............
M. The website eventually also made a donation of £ ..................
to Captain Moore's campaign.
Qcm Il faut choisir la bonne réponse
3) What happened when his fundraising page became hugely popular?
1 The page crashed.
2 He was so surprised he fell down.
3 He finished his walk all the same.
4 He was so happy he did a cartwheel .
How did his daughter and granddaughter feel after he completed his walk?
1 They were worried about his health.
2 They were sad he had finished.
3 They were proud of him.
4 They were ashamed of him.
5) What did Captain Moore say after completing his walk?
1 Congratulations.
2 I feel fine.
3 I'm exhausted.
4 I can do it again if necessary.
6) Where was he from originally?
1 Devon
2 East Anglia
3 Cornwall
4 West Yorkshire
7) In what 2 countries did he serve during the Second World War?
1 India and Myanmar
2 Burma and Cambodia
3 Lebanon and Syria
4 Belgium and Austria
8) What was special about Captain Moore's fundraising campaign on
1 It was the largest amount of money ever raised on the website.
2 It was the first time somebody raised more than £ 1M.
3 It was the first time somebody was raising money for the NHS.
4 It was the first time someone as old had raised so much money.

Sagot :

Réponse :




1) The page crashed

2) they were proud of him

3) I feel fine

4) West Yorkshire

5) India and Myanmar

6) It was the largest amount of money ever raised on the website.

He raised over £ 13M for the NHS

He managed to finish the task he had assigned himself : walking a 100 laps in his garden before his 100th birthday.

The fundraising website gave a major donation to Cpt Moore's campaign, who then revived messages of congratulations from many a famous people.


To raise money.

To complete a task.

To make people happy.

To receive messages of gratitude.

To join an army.

To serve others.

A message as a soldier a task money the army a donation.

11) Answer the question: who expressed their gratitude to him?

4 nouns to give.

Many people expressed there gratitude to him like doctors, politician, celebrities and nurses


Réponse :


​Texte 2) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate figure, number or date.

Captain Moore was still 99 years old when he walked around his garden 100 times

2 weeks before his 100th birthday, as he turned 100.on April 30th

. He walked a total of 2500 meters. More than 650 000 people made donations to his fundraising page and so in total, he raised more than £ 13 M for Britain's NHS (National Health Service), which is about $ 16 M. The website eventually also made a donation of £ 100,000

to Captain Moore's campaign.


3) What happened when his fundraising page became hugely popular?

1 The page crashed.

How did his daughter and granddaughter feel after he completed his walk?

3 They were proud of him.

5) What did Captain Moore say after completing his walk?

2 I feel fine.

6) Where was he from originally?

4 West Yorkshire

7) In what 2 countries did he serve during the Second World War?

1 India and Myanmar

8) What was special about Captain Moore's fundraising campaign on

1 It was the largest amount of money ever raised on the website.

9)  make an expression.

To raise money

To complete a task

To make a donation

To receive a message

To join the army

To serve as a soldier

Explications :

Difficile pour les nombres : (pièges ... )

"twenty five hundred" = 2500  

"one hundred thousand" = 100 000

"six hundred and fifty thousand "= 650000

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