Réponse :
1. He’s gone away => He hasn’t gone away.
2. They’re married => They aren’t married.
3. I’ve had dinner => I haven’t had dinner.
4. It’s cold today => It isn’t cold today.
5. We’ll be late => We won’t be late.
§. You should go => You shouldn’t go.
1. She saw me => She didn’t see me.
2. I like cheese => I don’t like cheese.
3. They understood => They didn’t understand.
4. He lives here => He doesn’t live here.
5. Go away ! => Don’t go away !
6. I did the shopping => I didn’t do the shopping.
1. She ca swim => She can’t swim.
2. They’ve arrived => They haven’t arrived.
3. I went to the bank => I didn’t go to the bank.
4. He speaks German => He doesn’t speak German.
5. We were angry => We weren’t angry.
6. He’ll be pleased => He won’t be pleased.
7. Phone me tonight. => Don’t phone me tonight
8. It rained yesterday => It didn’t rain yesterday.
9. I could hear them. => I couldn’t hear them.
1. They aren’t sick. They haven’t got much money.
2. « Would you like something to eat? » « No, thank you. I'm not hungry. »
3. I don’t /can't find my glasses. Have you seen them ?
4. Steve doesn’t use email much. He prefers to talk on the phone.
5. We can walk to the station from here. It isn’t very far.
6. « Where’s Jane? » « I don’t know. I haven’t seen her today. »
7. Be careful! Don’t fall!
8. We went to the cinema last night. I didn’t like the film very much.
9. I’ve been to Japan many times, but I haven’t been to Korea.
10. Julia won’t be here tomorrow. She’s going away.
11. « Who broke that window? » « Not me. I didn’t do it »
12. We didn’t see what happened. We weren’t looking at the time.
13. Lisa bought a new coat a few days ago, but she hasn’t worn it yet.
14. You can’t / shouldn't drive so fast. It’s dangerous.