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Bonjour, je doit faire une lettre de motivation en anglais.Pouvez vous m’aider je ne suis pas très fort en anglais. S’il vous plaît.

Sagot :

Dear Sir or Madam:

With this letter, I would like to express my interest in studying at XY University as an Erasmus student.

I am currently studying for a master's degree in regional geography at ABC University in London. After reviewing the documents from my university's Department of Foreign Affairs, I am very pleased to find an opportunity to study a semestered geography course at XY University. I decided to apply for this program because I am sure that it will enrich my future studies and help me in my future career. In addition, I think the program is a great opportunity to stay in touch with the British cultural and educational system. Last but not least, I would like to know the different geographic methods used by a foreign university. I chose to apply to XY University because I really like its system of learning modules. I am particularly grateful for the different modules provided and the freedom to make study plans. Many of the modules provided are unique to me because my home university has no other modules.  For me, very important is also the "excellent" level of education in the Department of Geography and the generally friendly atmosphere of universities and cities. The third main reason why I chose XY is its Urban and Regional Policy Research Institute. He specializes in interdisciplinary research in the key area of ​​regional and urban policy, an area that I know very well.   During my previous studies, I discovered that I would like to specialize in urban geography and transport. The University of XY gives me a chance to get in touch with these subjects through modules from the Department of Geography and the Department of Town and Country Planning. During my last year at ABC University, I worked on an empirical study focusing mainly on the transport costs of suburbanization and urban sprawl. I really liked my project and I can't wait to continue. I would like to take advantage of my stay at XY to further develop my empirical research skills and start working on my diploma project. The possibilities that the University of XY gives me further expand those of my home university. I would take modules focusing on transport and urban geography and European studies. I really want to spend a semester at XY University. This will give me the opportunity to deepen my knowledge of geography in the inspiring, creative and international environment of one of the largest universities in the United Kingdom. In addition, taking the TOEFL test after you return home can improve your English and increase your confidence. Furthermore, I am convinced that my experience in London will be extremely exciting, interesting and precious for my study and my overall development.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.
