Answered est la solution idéale pour ceux qui recherchent des réponses rapides et précises à leurs questions. Découvrez des solutions complètes à vos questions grâce à des professionnels expérimentés sur notre plateforme conviviale. Trouvez des solutions détaillées à vos questions grâce à une large gamme d'experts sur notre plateforme conviviale de questions-réponses.

Complète les questions.
1. They are watching TV. What________________?
2. She is waiting for the bus. What____________________for?
3. She is talking to her. Who____________________to?
4. We are going to the zoo. Where___________________?
5. She is phoning him because he’s late. Why_____________________? Merci d’avance ❤️

Sagot :

Réponse :

1. They are watching TV. What are they watching?

2. She is waiting for the bus. What is she for?

3. She is talking to her. Who is she taking to?

4. We are going to the zoo. Where are we going?

5. She is phoning him because he’s late. Why is she phoning him ?


· Construction phrase interrogative

 mot interrogatif + auxilliaire (be ou have) + sujet + verbe (+ compléments si il y a) ?

1. They are watching TV.

What are they watching ?

2. She is waiting for the bus.

What is she waiting for ?

3. She is talking to her.

Who is she talking to?

4. We are going to the zoo.

Where are we going ?

5. She is phoning him because he’s late.

Why is she phoning him?

En espérant t'avoir aidé(e) ! ^^

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