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bonjour pourez vous m'aider svp c'est en anglais je ne comprend rien merci d'avance :)
Superlatif et present perfecte
Exercice: Transforme les phrases selon ce modele
I've seen a fascinating film ; it is the most fascinating film I have ever seen.
1. I've read a good book .................
2. She's visited a beautiful place:.....................
3. They've had a bad experience...................
4. I've been to an exciting place ........................
5. We've met a pretty actress ..................
6. She's driven a fast car .......................
7. He's bought expensive trainers ....................
8. He's heard a stupid joke

Sagot :


Réponse :


1. I've read a good book . It is the best book I have ever read.

good ---> superlatif irrégulier = the best

2. She's visited a beautiful place:. It is the most beautiful place she has  ever seen.

beautiful :adjectif long ----> the most + adjectif = the most beautiful

3. They've had a bad experience.It is the worst experience they have ever had.

bad -----> superlatif irrégulier = the worst

4. I've been to an exciting place .It is the most exciting place I have ever been.

exciting: adjectif long

5. We've met a pretty actress .It is the prettiest actress we have ever met.

pretty ( adjectif de Deux syllabes qui se termine par "y") ---> fonctionne comme un adjectif court. Le "y" devient" "i" ===> the + adjectif -iest = the prettiest )

6. She's driven a fast car . It is the fastest car she has ever driven.

fast : adjectif court : the + adjectif -est   = the fastest

7. He's bought expensive trainers .They are the most expensive  trainers he has ever bought.

expensive : adjectif long

8. He's heard a stupid joke . It is the most stupid joke he has ever heard.

stupid :adjectif long