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Bonjour je suis pas très forte en anglais j'aurais besoin d'aide , je doit rédiger en 120 mots, un cours paragraphe sur Alice Paul , je doit la présenté et dire ce qu'elle a fait pour le progrès social des femmes

Sagot :

Réponse :

Hey , here some ideas  :)

Explications :

If parity is respected at the political level because it has become a law, it is much less respected in the domestic field where most of the housework still falls to women.

There are, however, improvements in the younger generations. It was only thirty years ago that it was well established that women took care of the housework, shopping, washing clothes, children while working.

Nowadays, paternity leave has been put in place, it allows men to better understand the complexity of multi-tasking, allows them to get closer to the baby. parental leave for men also exists, although it is more used by women.

In terms of work, parity is poorly respected, women managers are paid less than men and, for equal rank, often do not have the same positions and responsibilities. Some professions are very feminized, such as teaching in nursery and primary schools for example, others on the contrary are always male, even if progress is coming as in truck and bus drivers for example.

as for advertising, everything remains to be done! Anti wrinkle creams only exist for women because men do not have them of course, women are always undressed, not men, men make so-called serious advertisements, women are used for trivialities. some are slowly starting to evolve, advertising for cars for example, but overall women are taken for jugs.

i hope i helped you , at least a bit ;)

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