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Search on the Internet Matilda by Roald Dahl.

Then look at the pictures below and write a short story to explain how Matilda managed to realise her dream career thanks to her education .

Traduction en Français :

Recherche sur Internet Matilda par Roald Dahl.

Ensuite, regardez les photos ci-dessous et écrivez une nouvelle pour expliquer comment Matilda a réussi à réaliser sa carrière de rêve grâce à son éducation .

S'il vous plaît , Aidez-moi ! ❤❤❤​

Aidezmoi Sil Vous Plaît Je Ny Arrive Pas Search On The Internet Matilda By Roald DahlThen Look At The Pictures Below And Write A Short Story To Explain How Mati class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

Bonjour voici une petite aide pour toi,

Summary: Even before she was five, Matilda could read and write, knowing that Dickens, all of Hemingway, had devoured Kipling and Steinbeck. However, her existence is not easy between an indifferent mother, a passion for the lottery, stupidity on television and a dishonest frank father. Do not forget the director Miss Legging, he is a terrible character, full of relentless hatred for all children. In Roald Dahl's sweet and sour writing, the event will be in full swing, bizarre, terrible, lively ...

Explications :

J'espère que je t'ai aidé ; )