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Complete the sentences using a + superlative + the right preposition.

It’s a very good room. It’s ____________________________________ the hotel.
It’s a very cheap restaurant. It’s _______________________________ the town.
It was a very happy day. It was ________________________________ my life.
She’s a very smart student. She ______________________________ the class.
It’s a very valuable painting. It ____________________________ the art gallery.
Spring is a very busy time for me. It ____________________________ the year.
He’s a very wealthy man. He’s one of __________________________ the world.
It’s a very old castle. It ________________________________________ Britain.
It was a very bad experience. It _________________________________ my life.
He’s a very dangerous criminal. He __________________________ the country.

Sagot :



It’s a very good room. It’s the best room of the hotel.

It’s a very cheap restaurant. It’s the cheapest restaurant of the town

It was a very happy day. It was the happiest day of my life

She’s a very smart student. She the smartest student of the class.

It’s a very valuable painting. It's the most valuable painting of the art gallery.

Spring is a very busy time for me. It 's the busiest time of the year.

He’s a very wealthy man. He’s one of the wealthiest man of the world.

It’s a very old castle. It the oldest castle of the Britain.

It was a very bad experience. It"s the worst experience of my life.

He’s a very dangerous criminal. He's the most dangerous criminal of the country.

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