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c’est à rendre pour aujourd’hui petit exercice en Anglais: Mettre ses verbes entre parenthèses à la voix passive: 1. 1843-The first elections (hold) for parliament. 2.1803- Australia (prove) to be an island. 3. 1851-Gold(discover) in the southeast region or Victoria. 4.1803-Australia (prove) to be an island 5.
1880 - Folk hero Ned Kelly, sometimes called the Australian "Robin Hood", (execute) for murder. 6.
It is estimated that around 160,000 convicts (ship) to Australia between 1788 and 1868. 7. 1829 - The settlement of Perth (found)on the southwest coast. 8. 1859 - The rules for Australian football (write) down. 9. 1808 - The Rum Rebellion occurred and the current governor, William Bligh, (arrest)and removed from office.10.
1788 - The first British settlement (establish) at Sydney by Captain Arthur Phillip.

Sagot :


Réponse :


1. 1843-The first elections (hold) for parliament.

1843 -The first elections were held for parliament.

2.1803- Australia (prove) to be an island.

1803 - Australia was proven to be an island.

3. 1851-Gold(discover) in the southeast region or Victoria.

1851- Gold was discovered in the southeast region of Victoria.

4.1803-Australia (prove) to be an island

( voir phrase 2. )

5. 1880 - Folk hero Ned Kelly, sometimes called the Australian "Robin Hood", (execute) for murder.

1880- Folk hero Ned Kelly, sometimes called the Australian "Robin Hood", was executed for murder.

6. It is estimated that around 160,000 convicts (ship) to Australia between 1788 and 1868.

It is estimated that around 160.000 convicts were shipped to Australia between 1788 and 1868.

7. 1829 - The settlement of Perth (found)on the southwest coast.

1829- The settlement of Perth was founded on the southwest coast.

8. 1859 - The rules for Australian football (write) down.

1859 - The rules for Australian football were written down.

9. 1808 - The Rum Rebellion occurred and the current governor, William Bligh, (arrest)and removed from office.

1808- The Rum Rebellion occurred and the current governor, William Bligh was arrested and removed from prison.

10. 1788 - The first British settlement (establish) at Sydney by Captain Arthur Phillip.

1788- The first Brotish settlement was established at Sydney by Capitain Arthur Phillip.

Explications :

La voix passive =   Sujet +  "be" ( conjuqgué au temps de la voix active ) + participe passé ( 3ème colonne des verbes irréguliers ) + ( complément d'agent introduit par "by" )

Dans cet exercices touts les phrases ont pour construction

---->            Sujet  +  WAS / WERE  + Participe Passé    

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