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( Anglais )
Katie just created her blog!
She did not know where to start, so she decided to tell how she came to create this blog,
and what allowed her to do it.
Katie will first give the latest news of the family, then tell how it all happened.
She prepared some notes on her rough so she will not forget anything. Help her write from
her notes.
Do not forget to use the tools you have learned to master in this unit (present perfect /
simple past / talking about the realization of future events / building adjectives derived
from nouns / talking about the will of the subject...)
The notes below are meant to help you build your text and not to forget the essential
elements, but are not sufficient. You must reuse the dialogues studied in the course to
develop your text and give details.

( Français )
(Katie vient de créer son blog !
Elle ne savait pas par quoi commencer, alors elle a décidé de raconter comment elle en est arrivée
à créer ce blog et ce qui lui a permis de le faire.
Katie va donc d’abord donner les dernières nouvelles de la famille, puis raconter comment tout
cela est arrivé.
Elle a préparé quelques notes sur son brouillon pour ne rien oublier. Aide-la à rédiger à partir de
ses notes.
N’oublie pas d’utiliser les outils que tu as appris à maîtriser dans cette unité (present perfect /
simple past / parler de la réalisation d’événements futurs / construire des adjectifs à partir de
noms / parler de la volonté du sujet…)
Les notes ci-dessous ont pour but de t’aider à construire ton texte et à ne pas oublier les éléments
essentiels, mais ne suffisent pas. Il faut réutiliser les dialogues étudiés dans le cours pour
développer ton texte et donner des détails.)

I → excited! / created my blog’s first page!!!!
Ethan → created avatar. → looks ridiculous!
Dad → wants his own avatar!? / wants Ethan’s help.
I → tell you more about Dad’s avatar when ready!
Mum → new PC since last week. / happy with it
It all began when: PC crashed / Mum → PC Clinic / Ethan & I → fix old PC / Mum →
new PC / Mum want Ethan & I → keep old PC...)

( le blog doit obligatoirement commencer par ça )
Hi everybody!
Welcome to my blog!

Here’s the latest news:...
It all began when …


Sagot :

Réponse :

Hi everybody ! Welcome to my blog !

Here's the latest new : (My brother/My friend), Ethan has created avatar that looks ridiculous. My Dad wants his own avatar !? He asked for Ethan's help. I'll tell you more when Dad's avatar will be ready. Let's go back to my blog. I was very excited when I just created my blog's first page !!!!! I'll tell when it all happened : My Mum has a new PC since last week. She was very happy with it. It all began when her PC crashed. Mum was distraught, then she said that she will ABSOLUTELY go to the PC clinic. But Ethan proposed that him and I will fix the PC. She agreed and we fixed it, when she said : "-I give it to you."I was very very very HAPPY. Then Mum has bought a new PC, so Ethan and I kept the old one. And so this is where I got this idea. The idea of creating my own blog. I hope you will enjoy my newest blog

                                                                                          Ciao !