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Bonjour , Pouvez vous m'aider svp.Merci

1. What is the nature of this document?
2. What is the main subject?
3. True or false ? "Wales' biggest onshore wind farm can generate enough electricity to power half of the Welsh homes."
4. According to First Minister Carwyn Jones, Who can benefit from wind power in Wales ? (give 3 elements )
5. Who is Lesley Griffiths ? What are her plans?
6.Why does she say that it's important for Wales to continue investing in renewable energy ?
7.Write the following figures in letters:
365 million :
2030 (date):

Bonjour Pouvez Vous Maider SvpMerci 1 What Is The Nature Of This Document2 What Is The Main Subject 3 True Or False Wales Biggest Onshore Wind Farm Can Generate class=

Sagot :


Réponse :


1. What is the nature of this document?

This document is an article extracted from a website.

2. What is the main subject?

The main subject is the opening of an onshore wind farm in Wales.

3. True or false ? "Wales' biggest onshore wind farm can generate enough electricity to power half of the Welsh homes. »

False. It can generate enough electricity to power one in six Welsh homes.

4. According to First Minister Carwyn Jones, Who can benefit from wind power in Wales ? (give 3 elements )

According to First Minister Carwyn Jones, the local community, the Welsh economy and people right across the country can benefit from wind power in Wales.

5. Who is Lesley Griffiths ? What are her plans?

Lesley Griffiths is the Environment Secretary. She plans Wales to generate 70% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030.

6.Why does she say that it's important for Wales to continue investing in renewable energy ?

She says that it’s important fo Wales to continue investing in renewable energy because she knows that they need to move away from fossil fuel then, renewable energy is the sort of energy they need to see going forward.

7.Write the following figures in letters:

365 million : three hundred and sixty-five million

76: seventy-six

70%: seventy percent

2030 (date): two thousand thirty

32%:​ thirty percent

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