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Sagot :

Réponse :

Perhaps one of the most famous dystopian novel is Nineteen Eighty-four by George Orwell ( 1949 ), in which one of the party’s main goals is to prevent people from thinking freely. The government, referred to as Big Brother, uses cameras to control the citizens of Oceania and make sure they will not break the rules; the city walls are covered with telescreens which project propaganda messages. Winston Smith is the main character. He works at the Ministry of Truth, yet he despises his job which  is to rectify certain articles or news. He tries to rebel but is caught. He will then be tortured and transformed into a loyal subject of Big Brother.

Explications :


Réponse :


Perhaps one of the most famous dystopiab NOVEL is Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell (1949), in which one of the Party’s main goals is to PREVENT people FROM thinking freely. The government, refferred to as Big Brother, uses cameras to CONTROL the citizens of Oceania and make sure they will not BREAK the rules; the city walls are covered with telescreens which project PROPAGANDA messages. Winston Smith is the main CHARACTER. He works at the Ministry of Truth, yet he DESPISES his job which is to rectify certain articles or news. He tries to REBEL but is caught. He will then be tortured and transformed into a loyal subject of Big Brother.

Explications :

To despise = mépriser.

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