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Bonjour pouvez vous m'aider pour mes questions en anglais s'il vous plaît merci d'avance

III - Right or Wrong ? Circle and always justify by quoting from the text (1+2)/30
a) Nintendo has not wasted the recent years while the gaming world was developing. Right Wrong
(l. ..........) ...................................................................................................................................................
b) The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (TLOZBOTW) is not a first person action game.R W
(l. ..........) ...................................................................................................................................................
c) Link's goals in the game are not multiple. R W
(l. ..........) ...................................................................................................................................................
d) Link needs Korok Seeds to have a bigger inventory . R W
(l. ..........) ...................................................................................................................................................
e) Link is not always silent. R W
(l. ..........) ...................................................................................................................................................
f) TLOZBOTW took ideas from other video games. R W
(l. ..........) ...................................................................................................................................................
g) In most shrines, you don't need specific items to succeed. R W
(l. ..........) ...................................................................................................................................................
h) Link will meet forbidden areas even if he is very strong. R W
(Quote 2 elements!)
(l. ..........) ...................................................................................................................................................
(l. ..........) ...................................................................................................................................................
i) The game is very nice looking. R W
(l. ..........) ...................................................................................................................................................
j) Time goes by very quickly in the game. R W
(l. ..........) ...................................................................................................................................................

Bonjour Pouvez Vous Maider Pour Mes Questions En Anglais Sil Vous Plaît Merci Davance III Right Or Wrong Circle And Always Justify By Quoting From The Text 1230 class=
Bonjour Pouvez Vous Maider Pour Mes Questions En Anglais Sil Vous Plaît Merci Davance III Right Or Wrong Circle And Always Justify By Quoting From The Text 1230 class=
Bonjour Pouvez Vous Maider Pour Mes Questions En Anglais Sil Vous Plaît Merci Davance III Right Or Wrong Circle And Always Justify By Quoting From The Text 1230 class=
Bonjour Pouvez Vous Maider Pour Mes Questions En Anglais Sil Vous Plaît Merci Davance III Right Or Wrong Circle And Always Justify By Quoting From The Text 1230 class=
Bonjour Pouvez Vous Maider Pour Mes Questions En Anglais Sil Vous Plaît Merci Davance III Right Or Wrong Circle And Always Justify By Quoting From The Text 1230 class=

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