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Pouvez-vous m'aider, je doit réaliser un accrostiche un accrostiche en anglais sur "phone addiction" en utilisant les verbes Should et Should't pour donner des conseille.
s'il vous plait aider moi ses tellemnt dure je pleur tellement ses dur
merci d'avance

Sagot :


People should't be addicted to their phons cause it causes many bad things.

Having a “fear of missing out”.

Online compulsions, such as gaming, gambling, online shopping, or bidding.

Negative commentaries are said to people all the time online.

Encouraging self-absorption, people can display negative personality traits such as narcissism.

Addiction to social networking, texting, and messaging can extend to the point where virtual, online friends become more important than real-life relationships.

Depression should't be something that you get from your phone.

Disturbing your sleep which can have a serious impact on your overall mental health.

Increase of stress is very comen and stress causes other things.

Cyber boiling should't not be allowed.

Trouble completing tasks at work or home are things you should avoid.

Isolation from family and friends

One should spend time outside being with family and friends.

No one should experience these things.