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vous devez choisir parmi la liste suivante une invention et présenter son inventrice puis présenter l'invention en quelque mots. Votres travail doit faire une dizaine de lignes minimum . Pour rappel ... Tabitha Rabbitt a fait une scie circulaire Martha Coston a fait des fusées éclairantes. Mary Anderson a fabriqué des essuie-glaces. Maria Beasley a fait le radeau de sauvetage.

Sagot :


Mary Anderson is an American developer, rancher, winemaker and inventor. In November 1903, she obtained a patent for an automatic car window cleaning device controlled from inside the vehicle: the windscreen wiper.

His invention is windscreen wipers, which are used to remove water from the glass, which hinders us when we drive.

Réponse :


American inventor, Maria E. Beasley (née Kenny) has filed numerous patents for her creations. In particular, she is the creator of a lifeboat used on the Titanic, which saved many lives.

In 1880, Maria Beasley decided to create an innovative lifeboat that would be an evolution of the very basic lifeboats of the time and would be "fireproof, compact, safe and easily deployed".  Her new design includes metal railings and rectangular floats. Folding and unfolding, Maria's lifeboat is compact and easily stored. Patented in 1882, Maria's invention was also presented at the Universal Exhibition of Industry and Cotton in 1884

Her lifeboats will be used in 1912 on the Titanic. Although installed in insufficient number in relation to the number of passengers, they save a large number of lives when the shipwrecked.

Explications :

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