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Sagot :
Réponse :
The Mexicans were / lʊrd ˈɪntu / LURED INTO ( leurrés) the possibility of getting to the other side /ˈseɪfli/ SAFELY , but were /dɪˈsivd /DECEIVED.
They were /ˈizi preɪz/ EASY PREYS ( proies faciles ) who could not do anything and would not denounce their “killers” as they were /ənˈdɑkjəmɛntɪd ˈeɪliənz / UNDOCUMENTED ALIENS . Their slow / dɪˈsɛnt / DESCENT into hell is that of the end of a dream. The trip to freedom has /tɜrnd ˈɪntu/ TURNED INTO a nightmare. But the most / əˈpɔlɪŋ /APPALLING ( épouvantable ) thing of all is that it is for some of them the end of a life... Their lives are / ət steɪk / AT STAKE ( en jeu )and the tragedy is that their lives are not / wɜrθ / WORTH more than $270! /wʌts mɔr/ WHAT’S MORE , their death will probably go /ənˈnoʊtɪst/ UNNOTICED.
Michener /saɪdz wɪð/ SIDES WITH the Mexicans and /ˈfoʊkəsɪz/ FOCUSES on their tragic / plaɪt /PLIGHT( = situation tragique ) . This is a /ˈfraɪtfəl / FRIGHTFUL narrative which /ˈreɪzəz / RAISES the question of / bɪˈtreɪəl/ BETRAYAL (= trahison ) at different levels. The /ˈprɑməsəz / PROMISE of a better future in the USA are broken by those who use immigration for their own /ˈbɛnəfɪt / BENEFIT. They lure Mexicans to the USA to take advantage of their /ˌɪnɪkˈspɪriəns/ INEXPERIENCE and /ˌgʌləˈbɪlɪti /GULLIBILITY . ( crédulité )
The author goes a little further in this story and makes us /ˈwʌndər/ WONDER if America is still a /ˈrɛfjuʤ/ REFUGE for the poor and the /əˈprɛst/ OPPRESSED (for the “tired” and “huddled masses”, cf. Emma Lazarus’s poem on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty). Is the /əˈmɛrəkən drim/ AMERICAN DREAM still within reach of those outside the US?
Explications :
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