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bonjour pouvez m'aider svp je parle pas anglais . je arrive vrm pas sa sera vrm gentil. merci de votre part.
II-Le texte
7-Who practises graffiti most of the time ?
8-Who practices yarm bbombing ?
9-What is the main defect of this art, in terms of time ?
10-How do the creators keep a memory of it ?
11-Why do the artists do this ?..
12-How does Agata Oleksiak consider her wwork ?
13-What does the number « 33 » reprereprese
14-What sort of objects has she been masking ?
15-When did she start ?
16-What is the artist's nicnicknam ?
17-Which famous statue did she cover ?.
18-Which colours did she use ?
19-In which city is the statue visible ?
20-Where can you see her video ?