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Je dois faire un discours vidéo que je dois envoyer à ma prof d'anglais c'est sur les égalités homme/femmes
Je peux : – me présenter face à un public (identité, attitude, tenue) – présenter un discours argumentatif : pourquoi je me bats, pourquoi cette cause – suivre une trame prédéfinie pour présenter mon argumentation – comparer ma situation avec une situation irréelle ( If I were a boy / a girl...)
Voici la trame attendue pour votre discours : – introduction ( identité, de quoi vous allez parler) – touche d'humour – dédicace du prix reçu – pourquoi je suis engagé/e dans cette cause ( événement déclencheur, ce qui me tiens à cœur...) – comparaison avec une situation irréelle et ses conséquences ( If I were a boy/ girl, I would ...) – message important – conclusion

Sagot :

Réponse :

My dear compatriots ,

I'm (ton nom) and I want to talk about the inequality between man and woman. First, I want to say that, this is a horrible injustice. It's the worst inequality in the world. I'm fighting because it must stop, womans are equal to man, girls are equal to boys... If I was a (girl/boy), I will not do like that. Without a woman we would not be born because SHE looks at the family, SHE gives birth to a new person and many more thing that SHE does it. Last time I saw that a husband was hitting her wife because because she dropped a brand new glass. I shouldn't but I had to intervene. He was hittig her like as if she were a slave. I said to the man that she didn't dropped it by herself, it's was an accident. Then the man took the women and went away. The women  made a sign to say thank you. I smiled but inside I was in fire. This is the reason for witch I want to talk and that's why I wat to change things. Why only man can join a job. Why only man can go out when they want. Why should the women has to stay at home and looking at it. I'l make a gang, no I'm kidding... But I really want to fight for these woman with whom the mans do injustice. I hope that you wille be with me.

                                                                          Thanks !

Explications :