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Bonjour ,

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Demander une explication : à l'aide de certaines des questions suivantes, demandez à votre ami une explication sur un mensonge.

Can you tell me about…?
How come you…?
Can you explain what you meant?
Can you answer my questions?
Can you provide more information about…?
What does that mean?
Can you be more specific, please?
How do you explain…?

Sagot :

Bonjour, j'espère que mes réponses seront utiles.

Réponse :

Interrogator: Hello Mr. Smith. You are accused of a murder crime, so can you please answer to my questions, to prove your innocence or not?

Suspect: Of course.

Interrogator: Thank you. As you know, Mrs. Bond was killed yesterday night, at around 11 P.M. in a dark street in Oxford. She was stabbed in the back by someone. Do you know Mrs. Bond? Can you tell me about her?

Suspect: Well, Mrs. Bond was a friend of mine. She was a good friend.

Interrogator: What do you mean by "good friend"?

Suspect: We hanged out some times, we went to drink. I met her in a bar. I am really sad that she was murdered...

Interrogator: What were you doing yesterday at 11 P.M.?

Suspect: As usual.

Interrogator: Can you be more specific, please?

Suspect: Well, every Friday, I hang out in a bar with friends, so that's what I did.

Interrogator: Can you please provide more information about the bar?

Suspect: Well... The bar is named "Boxford" and it is situated in the Oxford street.

Interrogator: Oh... that's strange. How come the owner of the bar did not see you yesterday?

Suspect: He might not have noticed me.

Interrogator: How do you explain the fact that the knife that was used to kill Mrs. Bond had your fingerprint on it?

Suspect: I must have touched it before the other person.

Interrogator: What does that mean? You still touched the knife?

To be continued...

Explications :

Tu n'as pas précisé le format, donc j'ai un peu fais comme une pièce. Informe-moi si ce n'est pas ce qu'il fallait faire.

J'ai utilisé toutes les questions.

* J'ai pris un nom pour le bar au hasard, mais ce que j'ai fait et: bar + Oxford.

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