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(Lis le texte et coche les bonnes réponses. Plus d’une seule réponse est possible.)

( Le Titre )
Charities appealing to public to give a little more in Singapore

( Le texte )
Christmas is just a week away, but this season of giving has not been as fruitful as in years past,
several charities told The Sunday Times.
Donations are down, and fund-raising groups are finding it hard to meet their donation targets. Some
groups say that while the Singapore economy may have performed better than expected this year,
people are still recovering from the slowdown in the past two years.
A charity has made an urg_ent call for donations and also volunteers to help with its Christmas ShareA-Gift charity project.

( Les questions )
1. According to this newspaper article, people in Singapore:
 are giving more money to charity than before
 are giving as much money to charity as before
 are giving less money to charity than before

2. Charities in Singapore are asking money from:
 the government
 people
 private companies

3. This year, Singapore economy:
 is growing
 is declining
 is stagnant

4. In the past two years, Singapore economy:
 was growing
 was declining
 was stagnant

5. The charity promoting the Christmas Share-A-Gift project is asking for:
 money
 equipment
 help

Merci beaucoup ! ( juste les mots suffises pas besoin de phrase ^^ ! )

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