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Bonsoir j’aurai besoin d’aide svp je dois rendre pour dem avant 10h SVP

Bonsoir Jaurai Besoin Daide Svp Je Dois Rendre Pour Dem Avant 10h SVP class=

Sagot :

Réponse :Bonjour,

voici les réponses que je donnerais

1)The cartoon shows a grown man sitting on a chair, who I believe is the father of the little girl standing next to him. The man asks his daughter how school was, and the little girl tells him to look at her blog instead of simply answering.

2) The father looks startled, surprised by the daughter's response to his question. If I were the father, I would ask her more about her blog and how she has a blog, because she looks quite young.

3) I believe the cartoonist wants to show that the younger generations are quickly, maybe too quickly getting used to technology and social networks and the 'human' way of sharing each other's days is now unfortunately old fashioned.  

1)On the left, a young man who seems to be using his computer. On the right, an older, more mature man, who is holding a rake.

2)The father seemingly asked his son to go rake the dead leaves outside.

3)Surprisingly, the son immediately headed towards his computer, leaving his father with the rake.

4) The cartoonist wants to show that everything is done online these days, and that soon, people won't even know how to do the simple things in life; like raking.

Explications :

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