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Anglais : Expression Ecrite

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Sagot :

Réponse :

Beauty standards change over time and medias play an important role in shaping these standards. For a very long time the ideal female body type according to the medias, was thin or muscular. Every other body types were excluded and many of them felt like they did not belong to the category of being beautiful. Recent studies found that because of this idealistic body promoted in the medias a lot of women were much more likely to have disordered eating behaviours such as bulimia or anorexia. But is this really how beauty standards should work ? Should beauty standards be unattainable ? I think there should not be one single beauty standard but instead several to include all kinds of beauty and prevent any unhealthy behaviour. We all have subjective views on beauty : while some people like long hair others like short cuts.

It’s only been a few years since the beauty industry finally embraced diverse forms of beauty. For example Rihanna’s brand Fenty displays women of different sizes and ethnicities and includes trans-women and women with disabilities. I think this is a great initiative because it shows that beauty transcend all sorts of boundaries : size, cultures, disabilities and gender. Mainstream media should show people who defy limited and traditional beauty ideals because constant exposure to different bodies can change our perception of beauty and accept other forms of beauty. Finally, if there was only one beauty standard, I think it would be the beauty of someone being confident despite her or his flaws.

Explications :

Voilà je pense avoir répondu à la question j’ai montré les critères de beauté véhiculés par les médias et les nouvelles formes de beauté qui brisent les codes. J’espère que ça vous aidera.

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