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Bonjour pouvez-m'aider s'il vous plait et aussi il faut faire entre 150 et 200 mots pas plus
et il faut faire en anglais en utilisant le prétérit simple et prétérit en -ing et faut faire juste l'action ( pas d'intro ) Merci Beaucoup a vous

Sagot :



There was a Boy who was lonely he was always teased my his classmates one day he took a walk towards the forest he was walking through without any reason and suddenly a dragon appears but he had nothing to do so he started running and he hides in a house later he took some rest and had a nap but inside he was so scared then finally the morning has come he started to search some some aliments to eat and then he saw a bag near a castle he walked near to the bag at first he thought it won't matter if I take this bag but suddenly the guard appears and said leave that bag out or I'll shoot you up the guard had a sword and took to the king of the castle and the king said what were you doing with this bag (king asked) I was just searching some aliments to eat because I'm starving because of hunger and then the king gave him some food to eat and he thanks a lot your majesty and started to walk towards home where he came from.

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