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bonjour j'ai besoin grave d'aide svp, c'est à rendre ce matin le sujet du travail est: présent your Dream country . J'ai besoin d'un développement construit svp.

Sagot :

Hi ;)

France Paris is my dream country, really a must see place. There have a lot of beautiful things about Paris, and from then France is my dream country. Paris, the capital city of France is often known as the city of romance and is a city steeped in art and culture. Like many of its neighbouring European cities, Paris is full of beautiful architecture and museums showcasing fine art from some of the world’s most respected artists.

It is the world's most popular city, has plenty of must-see places but make sure that someone spend at least a day strolling off the beaten path, as this is the only way to discover the real Paris: a lively cosmopolitan but undeniably French city.

Once the tallest structure in the world, the Eiffel Tower is probably Europe's best known landmark and Paris's most famous symbol. No one couldn't possibly visit Paris without seeing the Eiffel Tower. Even if someone do not want to visit this world famous structure, they will see its top from all over Paris.

Today, there is no such aversion anymore among the Parisians, and one could not imagine Paris without the Eiffel Tower, in fact it has become the symbol of the City of Light. The amazing, beautiful, colored painting caught my eye as looked through the art gallery in the magazine. The wonderful looking spaghetti had my taste buds go go crazy while I was looking at the advertisements. The fresh smelling garlic bread made my mine go insane as I saw it sitting by the spegetti. The pretty looking building made me want to jump in the magazine. Yes, France Paris is my dream country.

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