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Bonjour, je dois faire une description détaillée de ces images en anglais
- Une description d'abord globale ( type of document, what are the people doing, where, who, place..) Puis vous irez plus en détails en essayant plus d'analyser le document ( era (époque)? Which country? Children's age? Their conditions of living? Their lives? Their physical expression?...)

Merci d'avance à ceux qui m'aideront !
Les photos doivent être décrite séparément !

Bonjour Je Dois Faire Une Description Détaillée De Ces Images En Anglais Une Description Dabord Globale Type Of Document What Are The People Doing Where Who Pla class=

Sagot :


Here's my proposal:

The first image shows a child who is about 8 years old and is working. He looks very sad. I think he's crying because he doesn't want to work and go to school anymore. The image looks like it was taken in India or Africa.

The second image shows children who have gone to war, perhaps for the Second World War. They were forced to go to war to save their country from the age of about 5 years and I think in this picture they are children of about 7-8 years. They had dreams like us, they might want to go to school and have a job but they didn't have the means we have today. These children were wounded during the war, so-called 'broken mouths'.

The last image shows a child also working to earn money and survive. The action is probably happening in Africa. This image seems to be recent because the children of Africa are still working today.

I hope I have been able to help you, feel free if you have any questions ;)

I wish you and your loved ones a good day and good health:)

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