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Sagot :
Réponse :
The scene takes place at dinner, the night before going:
adolescent:"You know, I'm really responsible and could eventually take care of that brat next door..."
parents: " No, I'm telling you, you're really going to enjoy that vacation, no internet, imagine that..."
" I can't, why can't I stay here?"
" You need some real vacation, not stuck on the screen the whole time!"
"But, I could send pictures of me to my friends, and know how they're doing, and if I go on that stupid vacation, I can't even call them!!!"
" Good point, but you know, your brain is going to get really damaged if you continue any longer on the screen. You won't get good grades at school, you won't have good friends, all this stuff can happen, you know!"
" Mom, Dad, come on!!! Get some sense into your brains, We won't be able to communicate with the entire world, and what if we get lost, who's going to rescue us? Think about that!"
" We won't get lost, and since you're in such a bad mood, I think we are going to go earlier in the morning."
" Please, I don't want to go, I want to stay here with all my friends!"
" Go get your books for the trip, it's going to be long."
"You know what? I'll make a deal; You guys can go on a romantic dinner and enjoy yourself instead of having to drag me all the time and I'll stay here, cleaning up the house, setting up the table for when you come back! Isn't that cool?"
" Yeahh, that could certainly be an option!"
So, what do you say? Hein?"
" We will surely do that, right George? On one condition..."
"Please don't take my phone"
" Oh well, you've just said it!"
"Nooooo! Please, not my phone!!!"
" You will stay here doing what you just offered and we will enjoy our vacation, alone!!!"
"Fine, you win, so give me my phone back, I'll prepare my books, I certainly don't want to clean up the house!"
" Good, you're such a good girl!!!"
Explication: L'adolescant perd et emmène ses livres car il ne voulais pas rester ranger la maison en plus de ses parents qui voulait lui confisquer le téléphone pendant leur vacance.
Réponse :
This scene takes place at diner time, the parents sit down and are going to announce big news to their teenage son.
"Hey, When do we eat?",Matt asked
"Right now! Matt, come here budy, we have a surprise for you!", said happily the father!
"Is it a dog! Or better, that new game that every one is talking about?!?!", questioned Matt.
"No, it's even better", added the mom.
"Really! Then is it a dream trip to the Bahamas?!?!", he replied.
"No, even better! let me tell you", announced his mom with a big smile on her face! "We are going to do a family trip, all together,and we are going to Costa Rica! Aren't you happy?"
The dad then added with joy,"Most important! we found the offer on our Facebook page and it's an amazing hotel in the forest with zero wifi and zero connection! Isn't that amazing! We will have quality family time!"
"Please, tell me this is a joke or i'm going nuts!",expressed Matt with fear and angryness!
"Matt come on, it won't be that bad! It's just for a week and this is the occasion for you to get over your phone and explore the nature!" informed him his mom with a calm voice.
"It won't be bad, You said! Are you crazy?!? This week is the end of my social life!", He panics!
"Look, we can negotiate this by making a deal.",the dad proposed.
"What kind of deal? because i'm telling you right now that i'm not selling or giving my stuff away!"Ague Matt.
"No, don't worry! The deal is that you have to spend less time playing video games and use that time to focus on your studies." The mother proposed.
"My studies?!?! My grades are perfectly fine! I got 12 on my last math test." Spoke the boy!
The dad then explained"We expect more from you son! If you want to have a great life, you need minimum 16/20 for your GPA."
"And if i study harder, you promise we won't have any "zero internet connection" travels! Like ever!", he analysed.
"Yes, we promess", assure him the mom.
"Thank God! My social life is saved!", concluded the boy with relief!
"Every one happy now?", asked his dad!
"Yeah, except that now, i have to study harder!", laughed Matt!
Voila! j'espere que c'est bon!
Explications :
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