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Complete the grids by writting full sentences with the help of the information given


Complete The Grids By Writting Full Sentences With The Help Of The Information Givenmerci class=

Sagot :


Réponse :


Eire ( Republic of Ireland )has been independent since 1921.

The are 4,4 million inhabitants in Eire, 91% are Catholics.

Eire’s emblem is the shamrock.

Ulster ( Northern Ireland ) is part of the Uk ( United Kingdom )

There are 1,8 million inhabitants in Ulster, 53% of them are Protestants.

Saint Patrick is the Patron Saint of Ireland.

There are 4,7 million sheep in Ireland.

In Ireland, they have a temperate oceanic climate.

Carrantuohill is the highest mountain in Ireland.

The Shannon is the longest river in Ireland.

The cliffs of Mother are the highest and the longest cliffs in Ireland.

Explications :

Le mot " SHEEP " ( mouton ) ne prend pas de "s" au plurie.  ;  )

Cliffs = falaises

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