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4eme anglais
Bonjour je n'arrive a di tout a faire cette fiche...pouvez vous m aider? il faut les conjuguer au preterit simple ou be+ing ​

4eme Anglais Bonjour Je Narrive A Di Tout A Faire Cette Fichepouvez Vous M Aider Il Faut Les Conjuguer Au Preterit Simple Ou Being class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

Chapter 1

Do you believe in ghosts ? Ghosts were living everywhere and they were invisible. Well, let me tell you what happened to me last year. I was sleeping soundly in my warm, cozy bed, when all of a sudden I heard a strange sound. What was that ? I was scared. Maybe it was my dod, Morty making that noise. But no, Morty was sleeping right outside my bedroom door on his favourite rug. He was even snoring loudly. Someone knocked on the front door !

Chapter 2

But it wasn’t the right time. I started to shiver and I saw a flash of light outside. It wasn’t raining at that moment, so it couldn’t be a thunder storm. I was shaking in terror. Ghosts never showed up at my house. This was crazy ! It was 3 o’clock in the morning. Who was at the front door, I wondered. Ok let’s think straight. I said to myself ‘ Ghosts don’t exist in real life. Ghosts live only in stories. They haunt castles, but they don’t appear in real people’s houses. They don’t make noises now. I hope so’’

Chapter 3

The night was very dark. Oh no ! Someone or something moaned downstairs while it was dragging a chain around the living room ‘ It must be a ghost!’ No, impossible. And what was that ? The dogs outside we howling and then I saw something move in front of me. A voice said ‘ Don’t be scared’ I thought I was imagining things. The wind blew very fiercely. So it was the wind, I went back to bed and I hid under the covers. There was nothing to be afraid of. This was not real.

Chapter 4

I thought ‘Calm down!’ Them I remembered a scary story the teacher read to us in school yesterday. It was all about ghosts and goblins. So I dreamed about that ghost story. this wasn’t real. However the strange noises continued. Something was going on. Then my mother suddenly came into my bedroom, both of us heard the sound of dragging chains and ghostly moans again and saw flashes of lightning in the sky. We both screamed loudly. I almost jumped out of my skin. And then I woke up - it was only a nightmare ! Whew !

Explications :

Quand on utilise l’imparfait (en anglais c’est BE au passé + ing ) on décrit une situation ( I was sleeping ) alors que le prétérit qui est l’équivalent du Passé composé décrit les actions soudaines. Dans le chapitre 2 quand la personne parle au discours direct, on met les verbes au temps du Présent.

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